April 17: COVID-19 Updates & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Officials are looking at what caused the explosion at the paper mill in Jay and how long it will be down according to US News.
Gov Mill made some moves to help protect renters affected the current conditions according to WABI.
Nursing students at UMaine will be graduating two weeks early, get their RN and be ready to help according to WMTW.
Some meetings with Maine lawmakers have been called into question according to centralmaine.com.
President Trump was talking about a rolled out reopening of the states according to US News.
There are some protesting the current stay at home restrictions according to US News.
Call-in hours for unemployment will be extended to 8 am to 3 pm starting on Monday according to centralmaine.com.
COVID-19: COVID-19 world map from John Hopkins University
County by county coronavirus count from centralmaine.com.
COVID-19 updates from Newscenter.
Maine is praised for “raising the line” on the coronavirus, we now have 27 deaths, 796 cases and 333 are recovered according to WABI.
The Massachusetts man who tested positive for coronavirus while at his home in Somerset County is still testing positive after a month according to centralmaine.com.
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