April 13: COVID-19 Updates & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
NEWS: Maine is looking at a powerful windstorm that could knock out power again according to WABI.
CMP has the power back on to most of Maine after last week's wet, heavy snow according to US News.
Maine has a new law that 20% of foods used in Maine institutions be from Maine according to US News.
There is a new law in Maine if you canceled your cable service mid-month your bill must be pro-rates according to US News.
6 deaths in Mississippi from tornados that hit the south according to BBC.
COVID-19: COVID-19 world map from John Hopkins University
County by county coronavirus count from centralmaine.com.
COVID-19 updates from Newscenter.
55 people, 41 residents plus 14 staffers, at Augusta Center for Health and Rehab on Eastern Ave have tested positive for COVID-19. Maine’s total CDC count of confirmed cases it at 633 but that number does not yet include these 55 cases yet according to centralmaine.com.
Bangor Daily News takes an interesting look at the last month and COVID-19.
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