I Was Speechless After Encounter With Portland, ME, Meter ReaderI Was Speechless After Encounter With Portland, ME, Meter ReaderI left work in downtown Portland, Maine, to find a parking attendant at my car.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Worried About a Ticket From Cameras at Traffic Lights in Maine?Worried About a Ticket From Cameras at Traffic Lights in Maine?Have you ever wondered if they are recording you, and might get a ticket if you are caught on camera speeding or running a red light?Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Can a Maine Driver be Ticketed for Expired Tags in Another State?Can a Maine Driver be Ticketed for Expired Tags in Another State?You should be able to break the law in other states, right?Jason StewartJason Stewart
Police Say Mainers Seem to Be Ignoring the New Hands Free LawPolice Say Mainers Seem to Be Ignoring the New Hands Free LawBiddeford police set up a sting to see how people really are about the hands free law.Lori VoornasLori Voornas