An article was posted recently on Reddit describing reasons why Lewiston, Maine is a state to 'Stay Away From', well I am here to describe the reason why I love living in Lewiston. We may get a little dirty but that's what makes us strong.
According to WGME 13, a baby is recovering from an overdose and a mother is in custody following an incident that happened in Lewiston, Maine on Sunday.
According to WABI TV 5, a woman from Lewiston, Maine is dead following a tragic incident that led her to slip and stumble down a waterfall on Saturday afternoon.
If you're like me, then you spend countless hours scrolling through the miscellaneous listings of the Facebook Marketplace. Or is it the Meta Marketplace now? Either way, the amount of time I waste by peeping through the items people are trying to unload in Central Maine is ridiculous...
Couture also said that the Hallowell location would be closing, too, though only temporarily from May 7th to June 23rd. Couture says that they're in need of a 'COVID break'.