State of Maine CDC & Hospitals are Preparing for Coronavirus
At last check, more than 6,000 people worldwide (only 5 in the US) have been infected with the deadly coronavirus. The death toll from the virus has ticked up into the triple digits surpassing the 120 mark last week. What we DO know is that the virus is the most deadly for people over the age of 60.
According to the KJ the Maine CDC director, Nirav Shah is calling for all Maine hospitals to screen for the virus all while the state remains in contact with officials from the federal level about developing plans in case the virus spreads. He went on to say that if a patient showed up at a Maine hospital with symptoms of coronavirus they would be 'immediately spirited away' to an isolation room in the hospital to prevent the disease from spreading. If the testing were positive, the patient would remain in isolation until test showed the virus had cleared out of the patient's system.
Two people who just traveled back to New Hampshire from Wuhan, China (the apparent epicenter) are waiting for test results and remained isolated as they developed symptoms similar to that of coronavirus shortly after their arrival home.
The Chinese government has cancelled school indefinitely and shut down entire regions of the country to prevent travel in and out of infected areas. Other countries, the US included, are working on sending private chartered planes into China to remove citizens who are still there but wish to return home.
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