I remember lots of driving around with Mom in the passenger’s seat with both hands on the dashboard. My Mom was not the best at making me feel comfortable behind the wheel. However, this program can help you help your kids become good drivers. It's the Parent’s Supervised Driving Program.

Maine’s Secretary of State has started this new program to help teenagers and their parents when kids are learning to drive and to make the most of the 35 hours of supervised driving teens are required to complete under parental supervision before receiving a license. Great idea!

Secretary of State Mathew Dunlap says the program has information with driving lessons and suggestions parents can teach their children while they’re going through the supervised training period.

I also have been on the other side of the wheel and teaching a teen to drive. This is a great idea because it can be a little scary and with some ideas on what and how to teach a new driver, that time together can be more focused and less scary for parent and teen.

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