Meteorologists Say Polar Coaster Prediction is ‘Worthless’
Stocking food already? Worried your snow blower won't make it through the season? Pump the brakes.
Ever since the Farmers Almanac predicted the northeast would be socked with a 'Polar Coaster,' people have been debating what it means, and how bad it will get. Including words like "wild ride" in the headline sent many to their sheds to make sure their winter supplies were up to snuff. On the other side of things, the Old Farmers Almanac predicted "winter will be milder than normal, on average, with above-normal precipitation and near- or below-normal snowfall."
What? Confused? You're not alone...and shouldn't be in freak out mode.
According to logic, and Boston.com "the future, long-range forecasting has always been, and still remains, an incredibly difficult prediction to pin down." Especially when it comes to broad predictions. Meteorologist David Epstein told Boston.com people shouldn't worry too much. He said the Farmers Almanac is "a fun publication.” There’s a lot of great information in there…but in terms of a reliable forecast, it’s worthless.”
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