Contact sports can result in head injuries and concussions. A blow, jolt or violent shaking of the head can lead to the brain's normal functions being affected. Not all concussions result in a loss of consciousness, so it's important to get checked out after any form of head trauma.

Symptoms of a concussion may not appear right away and they show themselves in different ways:

  • Mentally: Inability to remember or think clearly, feeling slowed down, a hard time concentrating and confusion.
  • Physically: Headache, blurred vision and unusual eye movements, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, seizures, sensitivity to light, sound, noise or smells.
  • Emotionally: Nervousness, anxiety, easily irritated, anxiety, abnormal sleep patterns.

Some concussions are worse than others, and a new study shows that if there is a mild concussion some of the things we've previously been told can do more harm than good.

  • Unless your Dr. tells you to, DON'T wake up the person trying to recover. Sleep is very important and waking them can prolong their symptoms.
  • If someone hits their head and feels sleepy go straight to the E.R..
  • Let their brain rest without intense stimulation from T.V. or computers for a day or two. However, don't take away electronics indefinitely, the person can become isolated and stressed and spend too much time thinking about their symptoms.
  • Light exercise is usually fine, as long as they are careful not to hit their head again.

Protect your noggin, be careful out there!

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