Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016 and the Presidential election is getting most of the attention. Mainers will also be voting on five citizen initiative questions and one bond question. Today, we take a closer look at citizen initiative Question 2.


Here's how 'Question 2' appears on the ballot: 'Do you want to add a 3% tax on individual Maine taxable income above $200,000 to create a state fund that would provide direct support for student learning in kindergarten through 12th grade public education?'

Those in support of Question 2 argue that Mainers making a million dollars a year pay the same tax rate as Mainers making $40,000 a year. The tax cuts on the wealthy in Maine has reduced the amount of money coming from the state and placing pressure on Maine towns and cities to make up the difference.

Those opposed to Question 2 include Governor LePage, former Governor Baldacci and the Maine Chamber of Commerce. Some say that school budgets increase every year and the schools are not producing better results.


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