Andy Capwell

Mainers Are Named Among The Worst Drivers In The Country
According to a story from Quotewizard.com, Mainers are among the worst drivers in the country.

Maine Listed As One Of The States With The Worst Infrastruture
CNBC recently released their list called: 'Crumbling America: 10 States With The Worst Infrastruture.' The bad news is Maine is on the list as being the third worst state when it comes to our infrastructure.

The 2016 Most Charitable States: See Where Maine Ranks
Source: WalletHub
The holiday season means givng back and WalletHub.com has complied their list of the '2016 Most Charitable States. To make their list they used 13 key metrics, from volunteering their time to monitary donations.

Maine Gas Prices Down Slightly This Week
According to the price-monitoring website GasBuddy.com, gas prices in Maine were down about a half-cent per gallon this week, for a statewide average of $2.209.

Gardiner Days Of Light: Celebrate All December Long!
Gardiner celebrates the holidays all throughout the month of December. The Gardiner Days of Light actually kicks off this Saturday, November 26 with Small Business Saturday, many local shops will be hosting open houses with raffles, activities, and refreshments. For more details of participating stores, click here.

Best States For Business: See Where Maine Ranks
Forbes has recently released their list of 'The Best State For Business" . The list is based in six key metrics: Business costs, labor supply, regulatory environment, economic climate, growth prospects and quality of life.

This Saturday Is Small Business Saturday
We're now seeing a bunch of ads for Black Friday deals at all those huge big box stores. But I like to support the small mom and pop stores in downtown USA. This Saturday,November 26th is Small Business Saturday.

Top Eight Employers In Maine
The unemployment rate in Maine is at 4 percent, compared to the national 4.9 percent rate. While jobs have been lost in many paper mills, there are plenty of jobs out there. Let's take a look at the eight largest employers in Maine.

Most Major Maine Retailers Will Be Closed On Thanksgiving
You'll see those Black Friday ads on television where the big sales start on Thanksgiving afternoon. That most likely won't be the case in Maine.

See Where Gas In Maine Is Under $2 A Gallon
Maine gas prices were lower by almost four cents a gallon this week. According to the price-monitoring website, GasBuddy.com, the average gas price in Maine is now at $2.21 per gallon.

Maine Heating Oil Prices Slightly Lower This Week
The weather forecast is calling for much colder weather next week and maybe some snow? Good news for Mainers, the latest home energy fuel prices have dipped slightly.

These Magical Christmas Lights In Maine On List Of Best Christmas Lights In New England
It's time to start thinking about going to the cellar and digging out your Christmas decorations. Or better yet, just plug in the lights that you never took down from last holiday season!

The U.S. States With The Rudest Drivers: See Where Maine Ranked
Okay, you are driving either into work or home from your job and your commute includes dealing with one or both rotaries in Augusta. I am guessing the drive might have include a horn honking or a hand gesture.

Thanksgiving Foods You Should Not Feed Your Dog
Thanksgiving is a time for family and for many that includes your pets. I am a pushover when it comes to begging dogs and giving them people food. Here's guide of what not to feed your dog during Thanksgiving.

A Maine Town Is Nominated For Best Winter Wonderland
USA Today has a readers poll series called 10BEST. Currently they have a category of Best Winter Wonderland and the 20 nominees include a town in Maine.

A Maine Christmas Festival Named On A Best Christmas Festival List
Thanksgiving is just over a week away and soon the Christmas music and spirit will be everywhere. A Maine Christmas festival have been named one of the Best Christmas Festivals in America by Country Living.