Lost Valley in Auburn Set to Open Its Earliest in 40 Years
They are opening this week!
According to WMTW, Lost Valley Ski Area in Auburn will open up this week and that is the earliest in almost 40 years.
They are doing it up too. They will be open Friday and Saturday, with one lift and two major trails open and the tickets will be half price. Don't think it hurt that a snowstorm came through Maine this week.
The owner, April Shanaman, said that the storm and cold weather for snow making just added up to an early opening, the news station reported.
Get your skis, because Maine's two biggest ski resorts, Sunday River and Sugarloaf, are already open and Shawnee Peak is planning to open on Saturday.
Plus, there was super great news that Saddleback was bought and will open again! The announcement was made in November, but there was no date on when it would open. It has been closed since 2015 and is one of Maine's largest mountains.
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