Did You Know That Maine Requires Dog Owners to Pay a ‘Dog Tax’ Every Year?
Did you know...
The State of Maine requires all dog owners to register their dog and pay an annual fee to the state? I had no idea.
Here's how it works:
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry, Division of Animal & Plant Health (say that 10 times fast) requires all residents of the State of Maine to register their dogs by January 31st each year. Registration costs $7.00 for spayed/neutered animals, and $12 for "unaltered" dogs. There is also a substantial fine if you fail to register.
When you pay your Dog Tax (because that's what it is), you are given a registration tag for the animal (like a doggy license plate), so your dog can be ID'd.
According to the state government, fees collected from the dog registration program pay for:
- Local Animal Control Officers and State Humane Agents
- Investigation of animal cruelty complaints and enforcement of animal welfare laws
- Compliance with rabies vaccination of dogs
- Care for sick and injured stray animals
- Return of lost dogs to their owners
Did you know that you have to pay this fee every year? How many dog owners do you think skip this requirement?
Do you think that owners of other pets should be required to pay fees to have them too? Let us know in the comments.
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