Closed New England Macy’s Becomes High School
One of the things we can all (the whole WORLD) be proud of his how we have adapted over the last year. That includes everything from church services, to business, to schools.
Actually, some of the biggest changes, happened in how our children are educated. When things first started to go "sideways", teachers began interacting with their students through Zoom. Later, they used Microsoft Teams or the Google Suite. Eventually, most returned to the classroom for at least a few days a week.
Clearly, our educators are masters at adapting to tough situations. Even though the need for a change had nothing to do with the pandemic, the following really proves what superstars they are!
According to Fox News, the students and faculty of a closed high school in Vermont have given a closed Macy's store a new lease on life.
Back in the fall of 2020, Burlington High School was closed by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation after it was found to be contaminated with asbestos, lead, Polycyclic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).
The renovation, which took $3.5 million, was completed in less than three months. Because of how quickly the transition was completed, much of the "store" was left behind. For example, existing shelving was used in the library and classrooms. What used to hold dishes or electronics, now holds books and school supplies. Much of the product signage has been left on the walls, as well.
The students' first day in the school was March 4th and it is estimated they'll be using the store as a school for at least the next three years.
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