‘American Pickers’ is Coming to New England! Quick… Clean Out The Cellah!
The hit garage-sale-style show American Pickers on the History Channel is coming to Maine this spring, so clean out that attic, dust off the good stuff in the cellar, and get ready to make a buck!
News Center Maine is reporting that the show will visit the New England area, and the Bangor Area Chamber of Commerce is asking people to think of places where they could visit.
The American Pickers facebook page says, "Coming to the New England area VERY SOON! ME, CT, NH, VT, MA, RI, we're talking to you! If you have a BIG collection with an even BIGGER story or know of anyone who does.”
Do you think that you might have something that they'd like to see? Do you know anyone who does? Check out their facebook page here and let them know where they can come and pick!
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