I always love to see Maine, New Hampshire or really any New England cities being mentioned by Portnoy. I found this Tik Tok clip where he named a few New England cities that in his eyes are amongst the top five in the world.
"To me this is like Sicilian Fair Food" he says, which damn Dave tough crowd. Slab is the furthest thing from "fair" food, but I guess it depends how good you think fair food really is.
You may have the spot or two that you kind of consider your “home base” when it comes to your go-to restaurants and that was Coals Bayside for me. The decision to close was a hard one but with that, comes some potential good news for the future.
Off-Track isn’t just filling the Old Port’s pizza gap—it’s raising the bar. Whether you’re snagging a quick slice or a whole pie, this spot on Exchange Street is all about serving up that classic New York-style pizza that is a necessity in Downtown Portland.
Massachusetts definitely has plenty of local restaurants and eateries that are exclusive to the Bay State. Whether those restaurants are in just one location, or multiple spots across Massachusetts, they all bring their own unique style and flavor regardless of what dishes they serve on their menu. As it turns out, there is one particular restaurant that is exclusive to the Bay State that has been recently listed among the best casual dining spots in the U.S.
Yes, you read that headline correctly. Free pizza for a freakin' year! Okay, it didn't say 'freakin', I added that.
According to the Cushnoc Brewing Co. Facebook page, as they approach their 4th anniversary being a delicious downtown business, they want to hook one of their loyal customers up with free pizza pies for a year.