If you're looking for a fun way to get out with the family for a little holiday fun while staying socially distant, Manchester Community Days are the place to be. According to an event made by the Manchester Community Days Facebook page, Manchester is putting on a holiday fireworks show...
What's more American than being towed behind a lobster boat while you chug beer and shoot fireworks all while waving Old Glory? I can't think of much.
These lobstermen took a break from bringing up the delicious lobsters to celebrate America in true Maine fashion...
This Saturday, December 10, Historic Hallowell will be the place to be as a great week of holiday fun will culminate in a fun day of activities.
There will be a Holiday Bazaar with arts and antiques at Easy Street from 10-4
From noon-2, there will be wagon rides hauled by beautiful Clydesdale Horses...
You haven't truly experienced 4th of July fireworks until you've experienced them from the viewpoint of a drone flying dead center through all of the explosive action.