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Officials See No Credible Terror Threat on 9/11 Anniversary

Officials Say No Credible Threat on 9/11 Anniversary
Afton Almaraz, Getty Images

On the 11th anniversary of September 11, 2001, intelligence officials say there is no “credible or specific” threat that terrorist organizations are planning an attack.

Although Department of Homeland Security spokesman Matt Chandler said there’s no definitive information indicating a threat, he noted that terrorist organizations have shown interest in specific dates and anniversaries like today. Because of that, he said, everyone must remain on guard.

“We continue to encourage our federal, state and local partners, as well as the American public, to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to local authorities,” Chandler said. “Our security posture, which always includes measures that are seen and unseen, will continue to protect the American people.”

Last year, officials noted increased chatter surrounding the 10th anniversary of 9/11 that an attack was forthcoming. This year, the intelligence community has heard very little discussion among radical Islamists regarding how they would mark the event.

Still, federal authorities remain vigilant and in constant communication with local and state counterparts to track potential leads. Citizens, meanwhile, should stay watchful and report anything that seems out of the ordinary.

[ABC News]

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