Major I-95 Construction Could Lead to Major Traffic Headaches
3 years, 2 projects and 70 million dollars and it all starts this spring on I-95.
According to the Press Herald:
Starting next spring, the Maine Department of Transportation will undertake a three-year, $30 million project to resurface the six-lane Piscataqua River Bridge, the main interstate artery to and from the state. At roughly the same time, the Maine Turnpike Authority will build a new toll plaza in York, about 9 miles north of the bridge. That $40 million project is on the same three-year construction schedule.
The Turnpike Authority is gonna try their darndest to keep the disruption to a minimal, but that being said - there are more cars on the turnpike then ever before.
One lane will be closed in both directions for a majority of the project, and they estimate the project will take about 3 years.
Buckle up...it's gonna be a long three years.
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