The Olympics ROCK. Even non-sport fans like the thrill of the Olympics.

It is partially national pride, but I think people just like to watch competitions. We don't really care about hot dog eating - but we ALL love the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

That got my brain thinking...imagine if there were "Olympic Games" but for the New England States only. What would those events be? And how would it run?

To start, the opening ceremonies would have to be on the top of Mount Washington - the highest point in all of New England.

The counties competing would be the New England states.

Events and Predictions:

Lobster Cracking - One lobster-man and one lobster-woman from each New England state compete in cracking open a lobster. The person who pulls out 99% of the meat first wins gold.

Let's be honest, Maine is winning this one.

Fluff Eating - Tag team of one man and one woman from each state to compete to eat one jumbo tub of fluff.

Hot take - New Hampshire wins this one.

Driving from Maine to Boston / parallel parking anywhere after Storrow Drive - this one is all about speed, control, navigating tolls, and being willing to be a jerk of a driver.

No doubt Massachusetts takes the crown here.

Logging - Any kind of wood-cutting competition will do. This one comes down to Maine vs New Hampshire in the final. Toss up on the winner.

Maple Tree Tapping - I am picturing tapping a tree / sucking a certain amount of syrup out of the tree.

I'd like to think ME and NH could hang, but I think Vermont might own gold in this event.

I have surveyed some people and other events recommended were Blunt Rolling, Trending Water in Water Country's Wave Pool, Craft Beer Drinking, and an Iced Cold Dunkin' Drink Off.

if you have any suggestions for events, drop them in the comment section!

New Hampshire's Top 15 Tourist Attractions, According to Tripadvisor

The travel website shared this list of 15 of the best things to do in the Granite State. 

Gallery Credit: Megan

These Are the 10 Best Beaches in New England, According to Tripadvisor

Gallery Credit: Megan

Mistakes Tourists Make When Visiting New Hampshire

Whether it's trying to pack too much in to one trip (figuratively and also literally ion their suitcase) or choosing to dine at the tourist traps over the mom and pop shops, people who visit New Hampshire deserve to experience all our fine state has to offer. Let the mistakes of tourists from our past help shape your visit in the future.

Gallery Credit: Kira