I have one of those re-usable coffee filters at home, so we ended up with an over stock of coffee filters. Whatever does one do with the extra filters?

Well, in my house, they are great little ‘clean up’ sheets for just about anything! They fit nicely in the bottom of plant pot to keep the dirt in but still drain well and they are perfect for placing in between your good china.  So, I did a little research on other ideas and people have some clever idea. My favorite was to use a coffee filter as a cover for food in the microwave. That will be happening in my kitchen.

If you have kids you can use a coffee filter as popsicle/ice cream cone drip collector. Then again, they would be perfect for hot dogs or tacos.  I have even seen them used a little ‘dishes’ for chips or cookies. No dishes to clean up!

They also can be a fun medium for crafts! Some are perfect for kids, some are very refined and there is everything in between.  You want to have fun with some ideas, hop on your Pinterest account and search for ‘coffee filter crafts’.  You will be impressed on what the humble coffee filter can do.

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