Biddeford Woman Inspired to Help Displaced Women in Maine
Latonya Wallace founded Purserverance 207 after being inspired at work.
Latonya, was inspired after a day at work where they focused on random acts of kindness. This was all Latonya needed to spark the creative juices and in late February of this year, she decided to help displaced women in Maine and New Hampshire.
It was later that day she saw something on social media about filling unused bags with necessities and providing them to the homeless.
She took that idea and decided to give purses to homeless woman. All she had to do was work on a name. She wanted Pursistence, but that was taken. Then her sister said Purseverance and it was perfect. Latyona is quick to credit her sister with the name that says everything.
It's obviously a play on the word "perseverance" - and what better way to describe the strength and perseverance in these women to keep going each and every day regardless of their circumstances?
Latonya has since spent every spare moment bringing her vision to life. It's hard to find the time between a full time job and raising two kids...but this is important.
She is dedicate and has already made her first delivery of 14 purses to York County Shelter Program in Alfred on March 8th. The response of women who got a Purseverance 207 purses was according to Latonya,
...life changing and humbling. I've spent my life trying to find out where I can fill a need and I've finally found it in Purseverance 207! This organization allows me to use my creativity coming up with the items in the bags. It allows me to tap into the philantrophic side of me. It allows me to empower and raise up other women! It allows me to just be me!
What Purserverance 207 does is provide "gently loved" purses stuffed with some essentials. These purses are donated to displaced women in shelters or facilities throughout Maine and New Hampshire. Some of the items that may be included in the purses are: toiletries, feminine products, snacks, sanitary items, a seasonal gift of some sort, and lastly a note or letter of encouragement from the woman donating the purse.
This is my favorite part. The note, because all women deserve to feel important and have positive moments through the struggle sometimes called life.
Latonya's goal was to to start with delivering one shelter a month with 10 bags. These organizations will be throughout the states of Maine and New Hampshire to start with the hope that it will expand nationally.
This organization benefits women two-fold. The women who writes her note of letter of encouragement to the recipient, is also benefiting because she she writes those words, her mind is also processing those words of encouragement.
What an inspiration! She is just getting set up, but if you want more information or to donate a gently loved purse - Latonya would be happy to help!
Empowering women one purse at a time.
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