Augusta Police Warn of Man Approaching Vehicles Demanding Money
According to News Center Maine, the Augusta Police Department is warning the public about a man who is reportedly going up to people's cars and attempting to open the doors while aggressively asking for money.
The Augusta Police indicate that this has been happening at shopping centers in the city. The police have identified what they believe to be a vahicle involved in one of these instances that occurred that the Christmas Tree Shop as well as the area of Target and Goodwill at the Augusta Crossing Mall.
The vehicle in question is a silver Honda Accord. The subject was seen wearing a black hoodie with a Batman logo and blue jeans. Augusta Police remind the people of Augusta to remain vigilant in recognizing their surroundings and who is around at all times. If you notice any suspicious activity or someone is attempting to enter your vehicle contact the Augusta Police or call 911 immediately.
***Alert Suspicious Activity***
Over the past couple of days the Augusta Police Department has received a few...
Posted by Augusta Maine Police Department on Friday, October 23, 2020
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