Every year Apple announces a new iPhone at a big keynote event. Sometimes it’s an incremental update, like the iPhone 6S announced last September. Other times, like this year when Apple will announce the iPhone 7, it’s a big leap forward in technology. While there have been many rumors around the upcoming iPhone 7 (including no more headphone jack and wireless charging), none will be as exciting to movie and TV fans as this news: Apple is expected to make their official foray into original programming when the iPhone 7 launches, competing with both Netflix and Amazon.

TheStreet reports that Apple is working on deals with TV studios and Hollywood producers to offer exclusive programs and films to iTunes customers. Whether they would be part of a new subscription service or be available a la carte remains to be seen, but it appears that Apple is working on an announcement of a streaming TV and video service to go along with their Apple TV set-top box.

Variety reported last summer that Apple was quietly interested in the potential of competing with both Netflix and Amazon, but talks had stalled after the tech company had difficulty coming to a deal with CBS, NBC and FOX in a bid to deliver live, local programming. The networks were asking for money than Apple was willing to play, so perhaps Apple is looking to beat them at their own game. Last year, Apple was involved in the bidding war for the former Top Gear hosts after their show was canceled by the BBC, but eventually lost out to Amazon.

It’s unclear whether Apple would focus on TV or movies, but it’s highly possible they could do both. Both Netflix and Amazon have balanced both award-winning TV programs like Transparent and House of Cards with original films like Beasts of No Nation and Chi-Raq.

While most iPhone announcements come in September, there have been rumors that this year’s announcement may come in June, perhaps to get a jump on the start of the TV season in September.

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