Amazon Plans Nationwide Broadband For Home & Mobile
It's safe to say Amazon likes to set its goals high, so high in fact it has just reached out to the FCC about launching over 3,000 broadband satellites that would cover all of the US, and almost the rest of the populated world.
This is all being spearheaded by the Amazon subsidiary Kuiper Systems. You can see the filling with the FCC by clicking here. The beauty of this proposal should it be approved is it will make a huge difference for parts of the US that do not have cable or broadband. It will really help those in undeserved parts of the US get up to speed in the digital age, which of course, will only help to connect people to Amazons wealth of products and services for sale.
It's still unclear if Amazon will sell the resulting broadband directly to consumers or wholesale it to larger companies that will do the trickle down but, it's interesting to ponder...just what will be next for Amazon, and us?
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