A Mainer’s Star Wars-Beatles Mash Up Goes Viral [VIDEO]
May the Fourth be with you! Here's the coolest Star Wars tribute we've seen so far and it's from a born and bred Mainer!
Jude Kelly is from Cherryfield. He went to Narraguagus High School and did his undergrad work at Bowdoin. Now he's a chemist by day and Star Wars and Beatles freak by night.
In honor of Star Wars 40th anniversary and the Beatles 50th anniversary of “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” Jude and his band, known as Pallette Swap Ninja, have done the unthinkable. They have mashed together these two amazing entities to cover "Pepper" IN ORDER...but with Star Wars lyrics. WHAT?!?!?
Welcome to "Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans"....
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" is now..."Luke Is in the Desert"
"Getting Better" is now..."Never Better"