If you don't follow the Bangor Police Department's Facebook page, you should, it's a very entertaining read. It's full of well-written posts, that are often very funny and informative at the same time.

Recently, a story about a stolen kid's red wagon caught our eye. Not so much for the crime, which is minor in the broad scope of things (but huge to the poor kid who lost her wagon), but for the very cool outcome to the whole situation, which really affirms your faith in humanity.

I remember my wagon. It was blue. I believe that it was a used model when I received it and that it was missing three of the small, red, hub covers. You could see the bent cotter pins holding the scuffed wheels and grooved rubber tires to the axles. It had a moderate wobble in the rear and while I did not understand wheel alignments, I know now that it needed one. I don’t know what happened to that gem. No one stole it but I still miss it.

I also don’t know what happened to the missing wagon from Clinton Street. It was red. It was a Radio Flyer children’s wagon and had green seat cushions and a “my ride” sticker placed on it.

Something I do know is that if you are the one that stole it off the porch, you need to rethink your future. If you would steal a wagon from a porch, I don’t like you very much. Not that it matters if I like you. I want you to know at this point in the paragraph that about 120 thousand other people who follow our page don’t like you very much. If 120 thousand people are out there and find what you did repulsive, I believe that the number can be multiplied many times over and that number would be a low estimate. I think that you need to return the wagon. If you needed a wagon bad enough to take it off a porch, you should have swung by the police department and I would have helped you find your own. At this point, don’t stop because we won’t get along. Return the little red wagon. There are bigger problems in the world but right now but you need to put it back. If you want to leave it somewhere, call our tip line (option 6 on the phone list) and I will pick it up where you leave it for me. Thank you.

While the original wagon was never recovered, thanks to the generosity of a little girl named Izzy and her dad, as well as the Bangor Walmart, Mikayla, the 4-year-old who had her wagon stolen, is now the proud owner of a brand-new wagon, and more.

We'll let the Bangor Police tell the story. Here it is from their Facebook page.

That is so awesome. Now pass the tissues.

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