If you don't know this about me already, I am a full on cheese-a-holic. I go to the meetings and just had my last relapse an hour ago. It happens everyday. With this being said my favorite meal of all time is a grilled cheese sandwich because my beloved cheese is the star of the whole dish. So it is my destiny to find the best grilled cheese sandwiches Maine has to offer. I know what you're thinking, how can one screw up a grilled cheese? Well you have a point there, my friend. However, when I go out to eat I am not looking for your plain Jane grilled cheese. OH NO! When I order a grilled cheese I want to be dazzled with a variety of cheeses, avocado, bacon, or dare I say...lobster?! Get creative with it! Here are the most creative grilled cheese sandwiches I have found here in Maine:

Beal's Lobster Pier
Lobster Grilled Cheese

So beautiful it almost brings a tear to my eye...

The Great Lost Bear
The Cheesus Christ Superstar

YES those are two grilled cheese sandwiches as the bread and YES that is legal in this country. You people are innovators!

Novare Res Bier Cafe
Crab Rangoon Grilled Cheese

Pinch me I must be dreaming!!!

Counting carbs is for quitters! Enjoy your cheat day to the fullest with this masterpiece. And is that a homemade rice crispy treat next to it?! MUST FIND THIS TRUCK.

Alright places to go, grilled cheeses to eat! If I missed any creative cheese creations feel free leave them here in the comments section. :)

May the cheese be with you.

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