Jennifer Skiff a Hebron Academy alumna is an author and her latest book is called 'The Divinity Of Dogs.' The book, released this fall by Simon & Schuster, tells true stories of love, miracles and personal transformation involving dogs. Skiff received hundreds of responses from people with funny, sad and touching canine tales to tell. 71 stories made it into her book and 14 of them are from Maine.One of the stories was from Lisa Gagnon of Lewsiton whose dog Daisy had escaped from her house and was hit by a car. The driver rushed Daisy to the emergency veterinary clinic, but her injuries were too severe and the dog died. A twist in the story led Gagnon to answer a classified ad for a free dog. It was a dog given away by the very same family who had hit Daisy and tried to save her. Gagnon would end up with not one, but two dogs. Her new Lab mix, Keisha, turned out to be pregnant.

The book has been out for about a month. 'The Divinity Of Dogs' has been getting great reviews from readers. Skiff has given readings across the country and the crowds often burst into tears over the emotional stories. Bookstores have started passing out tissues.

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