Valentine's Day

Valentine Cards Needed For The Veterans At Togus & Your Help Is Needed
Valentine Cards Needed For The Veterans At Togus & Your Help Is Needed
Valentine Cards Needed For The Veterans At Togus & Your Help Is Needed
One of the projects of theKousinoc Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution is sending Valentines to those in the Veterans Homes. But they need your help. An email I received from a fellow DAR member (yes, I am DAR!)  said the number of Valentines to Togus have fallen over the years. But if we all do an extra card or two we can change that.
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
How Did the Internet Spend Valentine’s Day?
Valentine's Day is tricky. Most people either love the mushy stuff or dread it for weeks beforehand, so there's really no right way to go about celebrating the holiday. Lovebird festivities usually entail red roses, lots of chocolate and super sentimental things that make some people want to gag.
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
16 Nostalgic Valentines You Probably Gave Away as a Kid
Remember when Valentine's Day was awesome? You spent all day gluing construction paper to a shoe box, for the sole purpose of having people stuff it with cheap candy and cards from the pharmacy. Now it's just Someecards on Facebook and the orange creams are all that's left in the Whitman's sampler in the office kitchen. Here are some of those cards you maybe used to get in your shoebox, if the tea
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
25 Animals Who Want to be Your Valentine
There's only one thing that can erase all the hours of listening to people complain about how much they hate Valentine's Day. Can you guess what it is? It's looking at animals holding valentines! Let these pictures remind what this holiday is really all about -- putting your pet's head through a heart-shaped piece of posterboard. And hedgehogs. And otters. Happy Valentine's Day!

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