
Robert Redford’s Getting Out of the Acting Game After Two More Roles
Robert Redford’s Getting Out of the Acting Game After Two More Roles
Robert Redford’s Getting Out of the Acting Game After Two More Roles
You gotta respect Robert Redford’s style. He’s not one of those interminable wafflers like Quentin Tarantino or Michael Jordan, constantly announcing and then un-announcing retirement every few years to shore up relevancy when necessary. Robert Redford says he’s gonna do a job, he does the job. He says he’s gonna finish up the two acting gigs he’s already taken and then shift to full-time direction, you can be sure he’s not gonna pop up in a couple years with a “gotcha!” and news of a new role.
‘University Based Retirement Community?’ What A Great Idea!
‘University Based Retirement Community?’ What A Great Idea!
‘University Based Retirement Community?’ What A Great Idea!
I know a fair amount about retirement living. I had great interest in the retirement community my mother had chosen. It made me think about such matters for my own future. I have to admit, the communities I know about are wonderful. If it were not for that age limit, I would consider moving now! But, alas, I am still too young!