
‘Conan’ Gives Oprah’s First Audition Tape a “Hellish” Spin
‘Conan’ Gives Oprah’s First Audition Tape a “Hellish” Spin
‘Conan’ Gives Oprah’s First Audition Tape a “Hellish” Spin
The Queen of All Media had to start somewhere, so it seems particularly sweet that Oprah Winfrey decided to share her first audition tape with her millions (billions?) of fans as a bit of both inspiration and big laughs. She was so serious! She was so interested in spelling things! She was so ... demonically possessed?
David Letterman and Lindsay Lohan Prank Called Oprah on Air
David Letterman and Lindsay Lohan Prank Called Oprah on Air
David Letterman and Lindsay Lohan Prank Called Oprah on Air
Lindsay Lohan hit the 'Late Show With David Letterman' last night, and the pair inevitably prank called Oprah (as one does), a gag that could have gone in a very different reaction if Winfrey wasn't so damn wise. Seriously, don't try to pull the wool over Oprah's eyes. She knows what's up.
Oprah Will Not Be Trifled With on Twitter
Oprah Will Not Be Trifled With on Twitter
Oprah Will Not Be Trifled With on Twitter
Maybe you think you can just mess with Oprah on Twitter and get away with it. Maybe you think she's too busy/rich/famous to actually pay attention. Maybe you're wrong, jerk. Somebody tried to get sassy with Oprah by insulting her appearance on Twitter(on the day before her birthday nonetheless). Apparently they thought Oprah was going to let it slide. She did not. Here's what happened.
Conan Takes on Lance Armstrong’s Interview With Oprah
Conan Takes on Lance Armstrong’s Interview With Oprah
Conan Takes on Lance Armstrong’s Interview With Oprah
If only it actually went down this way. With his new-found free time, cycling legend/disgrace Lance Armstrong recently took to the OWN network with Oprah Winfrey to discuss his doping, his loss of advertisers and apparently his immense jerkiness. And while Armstrong was candid in his "no holds barred" interview with the big O, the folks at CONAN saw a perfect opportunity to spread some h
Lance Armstrong Interview
Lance Armstrong Interview
Lance Armstrong Interview
Thursday night, part one of Oprah Winfrey's interview with cyclist Lance Armstrong aired. Oprah, as is her style, got right to the point, and Armstrong, we guess to his credit, answered her directly.
Lance Armstrong Will Discuss His Doping Scandal and Probably Shed a Few Tears With Oprah
Lance Armstrong Will Discuss His Doping Scandal and Probably Shed a Few Tears With Oprah
Lance Armstrong Will Discuss His Doping Scandal and Probably Shed a Few Tears With Oprah
Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong will finally open up about those allegations of performance-enhancing drug use which saw him stripped of his seven Tour de France titles last year, cost him several lucrative endorsement deals and made him step down as chairman of his Livestrong charitable organization. And who better to discuss the complete and utter destruction of his life with than Oprah Winfre
Who Are the Richest People in America?
Who Are the Richest People in America?
Who Are the Richest People in America?
The rich keep getting richer, at least according to Forbes. America’s 400 wealthiest people now reportedly have a combined net worth of a $1.7 trillion, up from last year’s meager $1.5 trillion figure. Don't know about you, but we've got like 26 bucks. Anyway, so who made the list?