grumpy cat

This is Real: Grumpy Cat Has Inspired a Feature Film
This is Real: Grumpy Cat Has Inspired a Feature Film
This is Real: Grumpy Cat Has Inspired a Feature Film
To date, books, lives, records, songs, board games, video games, and coupons have served as inspirations for cinema (well, all except for the last one, that was just a 'Mr. Show' sketch). But now memes are joining that list as Grumpy Cat, the internet sensation, has been optioned as the subject for a feature film.
Here’s Grumpy Cat in Every Show and Movie You Like
Here’s Grumpy Cat in Every Show and Movie You Like
Here’s Grumpy Cat in Every Show and Movie You Like
Happy birthday, Grumpy Cat! Can you believe that Tardar Sauce, the internet's least excited feline is only a year old? We figured she was like 115 in cat years. With Grumpy Cat taking over our computer screens, we figured it was only a matter of time before she took over our TV and movie screens as well...
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
Kids React to Grumpy Cat
If you've had your fill of Grumpy Cat videos, why not take it to the next level and watch a video of children watching Grumpy Cat videos? It's basically doubling up on cute. There's the bit of Tardar Sauce herself, which we know is adorable, then there are kids giggling, which is obviously not as adorable as a kitty, but maybe that's because there's a big block of ice where our heart is supposed t