Nancie Atwell, one of 50 finalists for a $1 million international teaching prize, has won. 

Atwell teaches at the Center for Teaching and Learning, a K-8 school in Edgecomb. She has been a teacher since 1973. In 1990 she founded the Center for Teaching and Learning, a demonstration school where the faculty develops effective methods and shares them with other educators. She is also the author of nine books for teachers.

The winning announcement for the $1 million dollar Global Teacher Prize was made at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai. The forum included officials from across the world, including former President Bill Clinton.

The award is referred to as the Nobel Prize for teaching and it's the largest award of its kind. According to

The Global Teacher Prize is an annual one million dollar award from the Varkey Foundation to be given to a super-special teacher. One innovative and caring teacher who has made an inspirational impact on their students and their community will receive the reward of a lifetime. Teachers currently teaching children in a compulsory setting or between the ages 5-18 are eligible.

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